New podcast episode: Occult training

As a part of spiritual path, in one way or another is a metaphysical training. After all, the goal is it transform oneself into divine being, that brings new set of patterns, mental maps and habits.

Resources: The Rosicrucian Digest

oh, maybe we should not have a favorites… but in this case, I must admit I do. 😀 On the website of AMORC you can find all sorts of interesting information, they are giving out freely available to those who are willing to listen. Out of all the gems available, I personally really love  –…

New podcast episode: LOVE SPELLS

This November special is all about love and love magic. What is love spell? How does it work? Does it even work? When you should NOT do a love spell? Love magic 101 with zest, sarcasm and Astrid. 😉