Music and Tarot : The Death Card

I love YouTube. I was looking for something completely different and came to this. What a brilliant idea : describing a tarot card with a music. Why oh why somebody haven’t got the idea before since it is sooo obvious.

In most Tarot related book, you will find smarter or less smart meanings of the Death card and some of the better books even got “too many words” description offering in depth outlook at the card. (Pointing out, that you should use your intuition anyway)

Intuition is not triggered just by your eyes (common myth) but also by sounds, and if you are bit more sensitive – smell can do it too. I believe this might be a great approach to understanding Tarot cards : as full, all senses engaging  experience, where you can not just see the card, but also hear, feel and smell (not the smell of the paper! I am talking metaphorically!)

However, back the video, I like it a lot not just because I am fan of any macabre classical music (Dance Macabre -all time fav) but because of the mood of it, you got the sense of slow transition, place where you have to go alone, but you are not afraid of it anymore.

Death is making us stronger, it liberates our spirit. Unbind truth from the fake. Set us free from pain and connects us back with the Source Of All Life.

It is one of the most remarkable forces ever given to us. It deserves our respect, not fear. 🙂

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